About CPA Marketing


What is CPA Marketing ?
CPA = Cost Per Action.
CPL = Cost Per Lead.
CPS = Cost Per Sells
CPI = Cost Per Impression. 
Are you Know Affiliate Marketing ?

Such As You have need a I Phone 7+. So You don't know The I Phone 7+. Your Friend name M.R John. He tell you about The I Phone 7+ and also tell Which Place and get Your Dream I Phone 7+. You Know the I Phone 7+ and Impress That I Phone7+.
You go and Buy a I Phone with Your friend. This ia Affiliate.  


As you can see, banner ads, and CPA/CPL/CPI and CPS models put you at the bottom of the value chain.
On the other hand, selling your own product, promoting targeted affiliate products (ie. web hosting), and CPA offers tend to put you higher up on the chain.
(FYI: the values in the diagram don’t add up to $40 because there are clicks and leads that don’t convert).
Keep in mind that physical products have 2-20x more hands in the pot (distributors, warehouses, suppliers etc.) That’s why Amazon Associates only make $100 when someone buys a $2500 laptop.
2. Integrated Advertising
The other nice thing about CPA is that you don’t need to disfigure your site with ugly Adsense blocks or banner ads.
As you’ll see later, you can seamlessly integrate CPA offers into your site. This means you run a clean, professional, branded site…while benefiting from out-of-this-world CTR, CPCs, and RPMs.
Frirst Step
Your first step is to find an offer that aligns with your site’s existing traffic.
But with dozens of CPA networks — each with hundreds of offers  — how can find the perfect offer for your site?
That’s easy: use  Offer Vault.com
They’re like the Google of CPA: they aggregate offers from reputable CPA networks.
And you can search based on keyword, price, category or network.
Let’s say that you run a site in the education space.
Head over to Offer Vault and type in “Education” or “Degrees” into the search field:
Some of CPA Site 
                   1.      CPA GRIP 
                   2.      CPA LEAD 
                   3.      ADWORK MEDIA 
                   4.      AD4DATE 
                   5.      REDDIT 



You’ll be asked to give them a phone number…which they will call.
This is a huge stumbling block for most people. As affiliate marketers we’re accustomed to making money without having to talk to another human being.
The fact is, you’ll have to talk to someone on the phone to join a CPA network. You may have to even fill out some actual paperwork. It’s no big deal.

How to Get Accepted By Any Network
Remember that CPA networks aren’t trying to make things difficult. They just want to make sure that you’re a legit business that will send them real leads .
So it’s just a matter of being transparent with them.
Here are some tips that will help you get in:
  • Call Them Before They Call You: Shady affiliates try to fly under the radar screen. Give the network a call right after you apply. This shows you’re the real deal. I’ve been accepted into networks literally 10-minutes after applying just by picking up the phone.
  • Check Your Whois: Some networks check to see if your site’s  address matches your mailing address.
  • Be Honest: Most CPA applications have a section that asks about your internet marketing experience:

Thrid STEP

Believe it or not, but you don’t need in-your-face-advertising to make money from your site.
In fact, I’ve found that the more you integrate your advertising, the more people will click and convert. 
For example, I own a site that’s 100% monetized with CPA.  Most of the affiliate links are either contextual links or integrated into the site’s design.
It has very little banner advertising.
Despite the lack of obvious advertising, the site has a 26.4% CTR.
If I had that kind of CTR with Adsense I’d probably get my account banned!
Here are two examples of big brand sites that have done such an amazing job with ad integration that you can hardly tell they’re promoting CPA offers:
Big Brand CPA #1: MoneySupermarket.com

This is a big brand financial site that focuses on a UK audience.
They get a fat commission for every credit card lead they send to Visa and the other big credit card companies.
Big Brand CPA #2: NerdWallet.com

NerdWallet.com is a growing personal finance site. Like MoneySupermarket.com, they integrate their CPA offers into useful tools. This seamless ad integration blows away the CTR and conversion rate that they’d get from a banner ad.
Just to be clear: you can do well with traditional banner ads and contextual links.
But I HIGHLY recommend shelling out the cash to get a custom design that makes your site look legit.

This is a big brand financial site that focuses on a UK audience.
They get a fat commission for every credit card lead they send to Visa and the other big credit card companies.
Big Brand CPA #2: www.CPA GRIP.com

NerdWallet.com is a growing personal finance site. Like MoneySupermarket.com, they integrate their CPA offers into useful tools. This seamless ad integration blows away the CTR and conversion rate that they’d get from a banner ad.
Just to be clear: you can do well with traditional banner ads and contextual links.
But I HIGHLY recommend shelling out the cash to get a custom design that makes your site look legit.

CPA Profile Tips

Here are a few tricks that I’ve picked up from my experience running CPA offers as an affiliate.
Be Tight With Your Affiliate Manager: Your AM is your inside source at the network. Every now and again they’ll call you or email you to get you to run some of their new offers. I’m always nice and professional when they reach out: See More..........


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